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Saturday, May 14, 2005


Well hello there! I have finally managed, having spent numerous hours trying to find somewhere to upload that damned thermometer picture for free, to get it up here so that we can see how well (or indeed how badly) we are doing with the fundraising. Which brings me on to the first fundraising event!

The Brecon Beacons Walk-A-Long-Way Challenge!

Yeah, okay, I just tarted it up a bit so that it doesn't sound quite as boring as a sponsored walk, which is what it actually is. So, the basic premise is that Jenfer and a bunch of her mates are going to walk 13 miles in the wind and rain of deepest darkest Wales. Ha. Ha ha ha. Ahem.

For the moment, if you'd like to sponsor Jenfer, please contact us by using the email clicky on the right. I'm working on a page to make credit card sponsorations (well, what word would *you* use?) but I have to check that they will be accepted by Raleigh as part of Jenfer's fee. I'll get back to you.

Right, I'm off to tell Jenfer I've set this up and give her a login of her own so she can do some blogging. I'm not doing at all meself! I hope she likes it....


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