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Saturday, May 14, 2005

So I've just got back from this party....

... more than slightly pished and I'm pleased to see that Jenfer approves of the bloggage so far. Also, at aforementioned party hosted by Hadrian (actually Adrian, but I think Hadrian is more hhhhhistorical if you know what I mean) which was absolutely wickeeeeeeed (am I too old to say that?). Said party has stimulated more than one idea regarding singing - there's a website called sing to the world dot com, or something similar which allows the host, assuming they have a fast enough internet connection, to have the fabbest karaoke machine in existence.... any song you choose is immediately brought up on screen along with backing track.... am thinking some kind of sponsored sing, or at least a sponsored shut-Kate-up-if-we-raise-enough-money-a-thon. It's not quite a proper idea yet, but it's getting there.....


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