All donations gratefully received :D
All has been a bit quiet on the fundraising front of late; I've been so busy trying to find a job and somewhere to live that I haven't really had the chance. Neither of which are going very well, now you ask. But you've got to laugh (or cry... I'm going to be poor and houseless..wah :( ) But on the plus side, I've had donations from Wallingford Rotary Club and Abingdon Lions Club, both very generous so that's FANTASTIC and thankyou very much! Not sure what the exact grand total is at the moment, but if my calculations are correct it should be around £1250ish... although I could be wrong since I don't have that many fingers (mental arithmetic was never my strong point). Although we have come across a minor hiccup which *might* mean that a significant amount of money got paid into Raleigh without being attached to my name which is a very worrying thought - haven't had a chance to check yet but hopefully it will all get sorted (please God, please...) - a lot of hard work went into procuring that money and I don't intend to have to try and raise it all over again... it's hard enough as it is!
So anyway, plans for the Hallowe'en party are "underway" ish... I've got a friend who has agreed to do the music for free, but the bloke who hires out the hall is being EXTREMELY eusive *shakes fist accusingly* so although I've got a provisional booking I can't really do anything else until I've finalised that. So that's all ground to a bit of a screeching halt (screeching...hallowe'en.. witches.. geddit...? Oh, never mind).
The Coffee Morning for Ladies What... well, drink coffee and eat cake I suppose, is planned for next Friday, with accompanying table top sale of all manner of goodies, so hopefully that should bring in a few bob (what exactly is a 'bob' anyway?), and I for one cannot wait to see Kate's handmade Christmas cards. Although I think she should be careful... at this rate she's going to be crocheting blankets...
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