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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A graduate begging for money... surely not?

So, with a week of celebratory sex, drugs and rock n' roll (well, copious amounts of sleep anyway) out of the way and the Brockian Ultra-hangover to prove it, the fundraising proper starts here.

So, a little more about the Freeze-Your-Butt-Off-Trudging-Around-A-Welsh-Mountain challenge.

On the 8th of July I'm going to be dragging four of my most easily persuaded friends (more fool them) to camp out overnight in a Welsh field only to be awoken with the cockerel (no really, I'm taking one to beat them around the head with) to embark on a thirteen mile trek up-hill and down-dale around the Brecon Beacons in a mere 8 hours. So I'm asking every lovely reader of this blog to sponsor us to do it. '13 miles in 8 hours?!' I hear you cry... 'what a piece of cake! why should I sponsor you for that?!' well, here's why...


...and so averse to exercise that I would rather endure a party political broadcast by the BNP than go anywhere near a treadmill. So you see, for me this is about as appealing a prospect as having to resit my exams, and as tradition would have it, the more horrible the challenge, the more worthy of sponorship it is. So there you have it... even if you only sponsor me because you want to laugh at my attempts to wheeze my way around a mountain (and with my navigational skills, probably getting lost and stampeded by sheep for good measure... you think I'm joking but it's already happened once. No lie.*) that is as good a reason as any and I'm happy to be laughed at if it means more donations! So, free your pockets from all that spare change, and while you're at it, free England from my ugly mug for three months! And of course, not forgetting the amazing cause to which your money will be going; this is not just so I can travel the world at someone else's expense but goes towards ensuring that
Raleigh can carry on doing the incredible work they do. So please please please make a donation at and I'll be your friend for life**

*year nine outbound school trip, guess who's group couldn't map read? to the irritation of the local wildlife...
**Or I'll just leave you alone, whichever you'd prefer...?


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